Tried various treatments and exercises and none have worked? Wondering why your lower back pain is not going away and if you’re going to have it for the rest of your life?
When there is no medical reason for your lower back pain (LBP), it is described as non-specific and could be caused by a number of reasons. One of these reasons is muscle imbalance, and the pain you feel could be from muscle tension or overuse.
Core exercises not working?
Strengthening your core muscles and learning to better engage them will ensure your spine is better supported, reducing LBP. However, you’ve been doing core exercises, yet you are still suffering, why?
There are so many different reasons why your programme may not be working, but here are a few common reasons:
1. Incorrect form during the exercise – poorly executed exercises could further exacerbate the issue or create new problems.
2. Wrong exercises or intensity for you at the wrong time – remember how we crawled before we walked? Your body has to be able to engage muscles in a set order. You also need to be challenging your body at the right intensity and continually changing this.
3. Poor activation in everyday living – failure to integrate what you’ve learnt into everyday movement reinforces poor movement patterns and little change occurs.
4. Muscle imbalance is holding you back – exercise when done correctly can greatly improve muscle imbalance, however when muscles are inhibited, it makes activation harder and progression slower.
5. Poor awareness as to what’s potentially contributing to you LBP – do you know what your pain triggers are?
Not sure which, if any, apply to you but you don’t want to suffer anymore?
As a Soft Tissue Therapist, Movement Coach and Personal Trainer specialising in managing lower back pain, I approach your body as a whole. Rebalancing muscles by applying strategic soft tissue releases.
EMMETT Technique is a light touch soft tissue therapy, highly targeted and extremely effective at producing an immediate relaxation response; most clients feel immediate improvement to how they move.
I then help you restore movement by activating and strengthening previously inhibited muscles.
Your LBP is unique to you. I help you build your awareness around how you use your body, providing you with the independence to better manage the restoration of good healthy movement, thus reducing your LBP.
If you would like take back control of your life, book your complimentary exploratory call and discover how you can improve how you move and feel.
I am Sabrina Qua - Soft Tissue Therapist, Movement Coach and Personal Trainer based in Worcester Park, Epsom, who helps people resolve or significantly reduce their muscular aches and pains through an integrative approach, so they can live active, enjoyable lives. More tips and information available in my Facebook group Reduce Pain and Move Better.
If you would like help reducing pain, getting stronger and moving better, book your complimentary exploratory call now.