"I have been told I have one longer leg and that’s why my back hurts."
Does this sound familiar?
Most of the time the leg length discrepancy isn’t structural or “real” it’s just your pelvis has tilted so your leg sits in a different position from your other leg creating the length discrepancy, but has anyone explained this to you?
Were you able to get your legs to equal length by the end of your treatment? What were you recommended? Did they pull your leg to make it longer?!
When leg length discrepancy isn't structural, it can be remedied through releasing the tension in the muscles that are causing the pelvis to tilt.
I personally suffered with this issue a lot during my early 20s, that is until I sorted out the muscles around my pelvis.... and gave up long distance running.
If you have been told you have one leg that's longer than the other and you're still walking around like this; providing it's not structural eg you've not broken your leg and had it pinned back together, then I could help you get back into balance.
What causes leg length discrepancy when it's not structural?
Muscle imbalance
Different muscles could be responsible but these two play a large role.
1. Quadratus lumborum. This muscles attaches from the bottom rib to the top of the pelvis hiking up the pelvis, making the leg shorter.
2. Rectus femoris. This is a quad muscle (front of thigh) that also acts as a hip flexor, pulling the pelvis forward, making the leg longer.
lower leg issues
Weak ankles and feet or flat feet can result in the pelvis tilting forward, making the leg longer.
How do you fix something like this?
Your have to start by addressing your lower leg and feet muscles. Enable them to stabilise and hold you better. You may need to use orthotic supports and you should see a podiatrist about that.
It might be your ankle is misaligned and needs to be mobilised and strengthened.
Most people I treat have some issue with their ankle which can be made better through mobilisation and the use of EMMETT technique. There are some great EMMETT releases that can be done on the feet to improve how your feet and toes feel too.
The more your feet are able to feel the ground, the more stable you feel.
Why does my back hurt though?
Lower back pain occurs as a result of leg length discrepancy because the muscle tension in your lower back changes. When muscles are no longer in balance, you may feel discomfort or pain especially around your sacro-iliac joint.
Would you like to feel relief from your nagging discomfort and learn how you can move forward and prevent reoccurrence?
Book your complimentary exploratory call now.
I am Sabrina Qua - Soft Tissue Therapist, Movement Coach and Personal Trainer based in Worcester Park, Epsom, who helps people resolve or significantly reduce their muscular aches and pains through an integrative approach, so they can live active, enjoyable lives. More tips and information available in my Facebook group Reduce Pain and Move Better.
If you would like help reducing pain, getting stronger and moving better, book your complimentary exploratory call now.