Is the menopause making life miserable?

Whether you are going through the menopause, been through it or about to go through it, there are a few things you should know….

The obvious:

Hormones are changing but what effect does this have on your body?

  • You may find you’re putting on weight more easily.

  • You’re getting hot flashes.

  • Your sleep is disturbed.

    These can then have a knock on effect on your mood and memory.

But what about the less obvious?

  • Your bones weaken leaving you at risk of osteoporosis.

  • Your muscles waste lowering your metabolism.

  • Your muscles and joints may feel more achy.

  • You are more at risk of heart disease.

There are of course many other symptoms, but what if you could reduce some of these symptoms and prevent yourself from further issues down the line like osteoporosis and heart disease?

Even if you have gone through the menopause, it is never too late to start looking after your health.

Do you have more muscle aches and joint pains since the menopause?

Oestrogen may be involved. Oestrogen affects your cartilage (which is the connective tissue in joints) as well as the replacement of bone, and so plays a role in inflammation and pain.

That said, muscle aches may be totally unrelated to the menopause. Sedentary living, poor posture – and stress can also cause muscle tension and pain.

I’ve had clients tell me their muscles aches have got worse since the menopause. After doing a few EMMETT releases on them, they felt 100% better. So if aches and joint pain is leaving you feeling older than your age, soft tissue releases through treatments like EMMETT could significantly improve how you feel.

What can help reduce these symptoms?

Investing in soft tissue therapy and doing regular exercise can reduce some of these symptoms. 

How can soft tissue therapy help?

Soft tissue therapy can help muscles feel more relaxed reducing muscle aches and joint pain, particularly if they aren’t caused by the menopause.

I use an amazing soft tissue therapy called EMMETT technique which is great at releasing muscle tension quickly and easily.  EMMETT can also help improve symptoms of brain fog and chronic fatigue.

Relaxing tense muscles can also provide you with an overall feeling of general relaxation which can help you with your sleep and improve your energy levels.

How does exercise help?

Regular exercise, as I’m sure you are aware, has so many benefits.  Not only will it improve your heart health reducing your risk of heart disease, but regular strength training can help you rebuild your muscle mass which in turn boosts your slowing metabolism and can help reduce muscle and joint pains.  

Strength training which includes using your own bodyweight, resistance bands and lifting weights, can also lower your risk of osteoporosis.  It slows down bone loss and can push bone producing cells back into action, meaning formation of new healthy bone tissue.

Why do I need to be concerned about Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that develops when bone mineral density and bone mass decreases, the structure and strength of bone changes which can increase the risk of broken bones. Exercising to prevent the risk of broken bones is crucial when it comes to continuing to live independently.

Another benefit of regular exercise is you will improve your balance, flexibility and co-ordination, reducing your risk of falling in the first place.

Exercise can also help improve your sleep, allowing your body to rest and repair more effectively.

How often do you need to exercise to reap these rewards?

 You should be doing strength training at lease twice a week for 30 – 40 minutes in order to feel the benefits, but also doing at least another session which focusses more on improving your heart health, like going for a power walk, swim or jog.

How can I help you?

Whether you are transitioning through the hormonal changes or you’re post menopausal I can help you maintain a healthy strong body with improved energy.

Book your complimentary exploratory call now to discuss what symptoms you would like most help with. 

I am Sabrina Qua - Soft Tissue Therapist, Movement Coach and Personal Trainer based in Worcester Park, Epsom, who helps people resolve or significantly reduce their musculoskeletal aches and pains through an integrative approach, so you can live active, enjoyable lives. More tips and information available in my Facebook group Reduce Pain and Move Better.