Planks and sit ups exercises specifically target your core muscles and are used to activate these particular areas to ensure they have the required endurance to help you stay upright, regardless of what position you are in.
Let's look at some of the core exercises and see how they fit into your day to day movement.
Sit ups or curl ups - focuses on your rectus abdominis - the 6 pack muscles. Everyone has them, you just may not be able to see them.
If lying in bed on your back and you sit up, you have used your rectus abdominis.
Curl up and twist - you most definitely would use this movement if sitting up from lying in bed to get up.
Plank - this uses all your muscles as stabilisers and effectively is you in a standing position. It teaches you how to hold tension to keep your body straight with good posture. If you do the plank with your bum in the air, what does that teach you?
Side planks - focus on the obliques but will be using the spinal stabilising muscles and of course your arm. If you lie on your side in bed and get out of bed by pushing your self side ways, you've had to engage your obliques along with the arm muscles you used in side plank.
Deadbugs - this teaches muscle co-ordination and improves core control in movement. When you walk, similar movements are occurring. Admittedly, some people walk with their arms really still and stuck by their side - this isn't natural. In good movement, the arms swing. As your left leg goes forward, your right arm should go forward too. Look at sprinters, you will see the co-ordinated arms and legs that propel them forward.
Bird dogs - similar to deadbugs but without the floor support. - as a child, you will have learnt to crawl, this is similar in movement. You may not need to crawl much as an adult, but I am sure there are times in your life when you need to be down on all 4s looking for something that's disappeared under the bookcase.
Core exercises are foundation exercises teaching you how to hold your body and how to retain required levels of tension as you move. If you are primed through exercise, your body knows what to do automatically when you have to apply in day to day life.
From the moment you get up, your core should be activating at the right levels.
If you have back pain, how do you get up and out of bed?
I am Sabrina Qua - Soft Tissue Therapist, Movement Coach and Personal Trainer based in Worcester Park, Epsom, who helps people resolve or significantly reduce their muscular aches and pains through an integrative approach, so they can live active, enjoyable lives. More tips and information available in my Facebook group Reduce Pain and Move Better.
If you would like help reducing pain book your complimentary exploratory call now.