Why is your core so important?

Your core is the centre of your body, all your movements come from the strength of this area. If it is weak, your body has to provide stability and strength from elsewhere and that’s how overuse injuries develop.

When your core is strong, you stand taller, your body is better supported. When your core works properly, your spine is supported during movement. This makes the movement safe and you don’t have unnecessary movement.

If you’ve ever had a spate of back pain, your core will have switched off and won’t be functioning as efficiently as it did originally. This is why it is important to reengage and help you muscles to remember their jobs after a period of injury.

The must do core exercises are bird dog, side planks and curl ups.

elevated side plank

Are you doing the above exercises but finding you’re not improving? Or maybe you’re finding the ones prescribed are impossible and too difficult for you?

If the exercises are too difficult, you will be doing your exercises incorrectly. Many people struggle with their form and getting the exercises right, I spend a lot of time regressing exercises for my clients. Planks can always be elevated to make them more manageable, take the side plank for example. You can do them on a wall or on the arm of a sofa.

If you have tried on your own and aren’t making the progress you would like, it’s time to employ the help of a good movement coach such as myself.

My clients report feeling much improvement by week 6 when working on their core.

Would you like to discuss how I can help you?